Monya Williams is an astonishing author and compelling poet. Born in Jacksonville, Florida and diagnosed with sickel cell disease she had all the odds stacked against her yet overcame them all. Her talents are unbound never allowing her sickle cell to keep her imprisoned inside of her disease. Monya’s most intimate and honest thoughts can be read in every piece she writes.
Evocative lavishly illustrated her writings captures and speaks to all audiences. Her insights about love, living, life and honesty are profound. The depths of her mind are quite interesting and paramount to her as a poet and author. Monya’s writings are not just of urban cultures but that of universal understandings. Her writings are raw, pure, wise, grounded illustrations of day to day life in our neighborhoods, projects and suburbs. The reality of her insights on the way she see’s things are quite the eye opener.
Distinguished as a true poet and writer of deep talents spawned out of the hood and raw spirits of the loving women that raised her. Poverty was never an option to her poverty is not just a financial thing but broken spirits, hearts, dreams and desires are included as well. But the love and passion of excelling in life liberated her as she tries to show her readers in each saga. With such a beautiful mind she is gifted at engaging her readers and pulling them in as if it were their story being written.
One of the creative writers for Back to Family and Inner City Animated Sitcom on the CW17 Jacksonville, Florida, Hulu and Roku. Also she has her own segment The Authors Corner with On the Rise Tv Show also on CW17 Jacksonville.