Novembers Rain
Love and Naomi find themselves in unfamiliar territory as a romance blossoms between the two. As the two of them develop their friendship and work relationship things take a drastic and uncompromising turn. Hearts become entangled in deception from the past that comes back to haunt them. Naomi begins to see herself as less than with no value and unworthy of what she truly desire true love. The optimist Love always see’s the good in everyone to a fault that she finds herself heartbroken and alone. Nevertheless, she remains fearless in love and believes love will find her when the stars align for her until then she focuses on taking care of her kids and running her business.
Novembers Rain is believing you can have what you want and putting forth the work.
Novembers Rain is all about believing enough in yourself and those things you desire. Sprinkled with love and lessons along the way but standing tall and never folding. A romance novel based off seeking love, being the true essence of love, finding the love of a lifetime and seizing the moment. Bursting with passion and strength to overcome any obstacle and adversity. Exploring the strength of love in overcoming many adversities in life. Planting seeds of love and watch how things begin to unfold for you. Surrender the need to know how it will work out but trust that it will. Just as Love did, desiring a partner she was equally yoked with. Finding that in Naomi in a roundabout way. Facing challenges in their day-to-day life there wasn’t anything they couldn’t overcome together. Knowing for their romance to bloom it would have to be built on a solid foundation of love, honesty, truth, transparency, understanding and love. Let love be your guiding light on this journey called life.

I enjoy her poems not only for the story they tell and the optimism but the rhythm and rhyme.
In this beautiful book of poetry, Words of My Pen gives us a window into her creativity.
Many of her life experiences are revealed in her prose; the reader gets caught up in her emotions and reflections with her words. Becoming one with her writings.
Her writings controversial and her books and poems are excepted in many places and like many great poets people either love her or hate her poems.
Questions arise, "what are you giving your grace to?"